School News

Cariboo Hill Letter to Families

For a PDF version of this information:  Click Here

School begins on Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Grade 8’s will have a special day – Welcome to Cariboo Hill!

All grade 8 students will come to school from 10:30 am – 12:15 pm.

10:30 am – Grade 8 students meet in the small gym for a brief assembly and be picked up by Period 1 teachers.  Timetables, locker instructions, photo day information and agendas will be distributed in Period 1 class.  Students will go through the timetable (Period 1, 2, 3, 4) and meet their teachers.

Students will go through the timetable (Period 1, 2, 3, 4) and meet their teachers. 

Period 1 10:30 am – 11:15 am
Period 2 11:20 am – 11:35 am
Period 3 11:40 am – 11:55 am
Period 4 12:00 pm – 12:15 pm


12:15 pm – Grade 8’s will be dismissed.

Grade 9-12’s – Welcome back!

All grade 9 – 12 students will attend Period 1 class for one hour. 

10:00 – 11:00 am – Welcome back, safety orientation, lockers and photo day information. 

No Period 1 class – please go to Room 101.

What is Flexible Student Support Time?

  • Teachers working with students to support student learning.
  • Personalized non-enrolling instructional time to support student learning.
  • Opportunity for group work/collaboration with peers.
  • More information will be provided to students.


Specific supply requirements for each of your child’s courses will be outlined by their teachers.  However, there are a few basic supplies that may be purchased in advance.  The following is a list of basic supplies that your student will need:

4 HB Pencils 4 Pens 3-ring Binders
1 package of lined paper 2 packages of binder dividers 2 erasers
1 set of clothes suitable for both indoor and outdoor physical & heath education classes (athletic shoes, short or track pants and a t-shirt)    


School Fees will be collected at the office during the morning break, lunch and after school.  School fees can also be paid online in September.  For the link to pay fees online, please go to the Cariboo Hill website:
The fee schedule is:

Grade 8 – 11:  
Student Fee (agenda planner included) $ 30.00
School Yearbook   $ 50.00
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Fee   $ 10.00 (optional)
$ 90.00
Please add applicable PHE Fee:  
PHE 8 Field Trip Fee $ 30.00
PHE 9 Field Trip Fee $ 30.00
PHE 10 First Aid  $ 10.00
Grade 12:  
Student Fee (agenda planner included) $ 30.00
School Yearbook  $ 50.00 (optional)
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Fee   $ 10.00 (optional)
School Leaving Ceremony  $ 80.00
Grad Dinner/Dance  $125.00
Dry Grad Event  $  45.00
Total: $340.00

 If you are paying fees at the school, we would prefer ONE CHEQUE (made out to “Cariboo Hill Secondary School”) for each student and we issue one receipt for each student.  Please keep all receipts in order to avoid misunderstandings at the end of the school year. 


Students can visit the following webpage to choose a locker: The locker database will be available Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 8:45 am for all grade 8 – 12 students.  Log in using your student number as the user ID and your birth date at the password, in “YYYYMMDD” format.


School photographs will be taken in the morning of Thursday, September 23.  Missed photo & re-take picture day is Thursday, October 14.  All students need to have their photograph taken for their Student I.D. Card – these are complimentary if photos are taken on Photo or Re-take day. 

Meet the Teacher Night – Thursday, September 23

More information to come.

Parent Advisory Council – Monday, October 4 – 7:00 p.m.

All parents are welcome.  Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m.  More details to come.

School Calendar & Bell Schedule

The school calendar and bell schedule are available on the Cariboo Hill website, as well as in the Student Agenda Planners available in September.


Service will begin Wednesday, September 8, first thing in the morning, during the nutrition break, and during lunch break for snacks and meals.

We’re looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 7!

Yours truly,

Mr. A. Chin
