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Thursday, October 13 – Retake Photo Day

Thursday, October 13, 2022 is Photo Retake Day.

On October 13, please listen to the PA announcements as I will be calling students to the Cafeteria by grade. Please listen carefully to the PA system.

Rules to Photo Retake Day (Oct 13)

  • If you did not take a photo in September or was not given a Go-Card, you are allowed for a photo retake
  • When you look at your Go-Card and the following applies – eyeglass glare, poor posture, too much head tilt, eyes closed, then you are allowed for a re-take (Bring the original card on the day of photo retake)
  • Students not liking their photo and wanting a retake – WILL BE TURNED AWAY

If you want to order photos from Artona, please look at the back of the Go-Card and see the QR code to order photos.

Any questions, come see me in the office – Mr. Tsang