Engineering Summit


There is a lot more to being a successful in the modern workplace than academic skills. Creative thinking, collaboration and clear communication are all essential skills that are valued by employers and post-secondary institutions. The Summit Engineering program will give students opportunities to hone their problem solving, technical writing and public speaking skills as they design, create, document, and present their projects. Guest speakers, field experiences will enrich the program. Although this program is based on learning and using an engineering mindset and is aimed at those interested in an Engineering degree, the skills learned will benefit anyone interested in pursuing team oriented problem-solving occupations.

Engineering Summit Diploma

All Grade 10- 12 students are welcome to take the Engineering Projects courses, even if they don’t take all the required Math and Science courses.  Students who pass Physics 12, Pre-Calculus 12, and all three Engineering 10,11,and 12 will be presented with an Engineering Summit Diploma at graduation. 

For more information about the Summit Engineering program, please contact

Please download a copy of our Engineering Summit Brochure.