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PAC Meeting October 16

PAC Meeting – Agenda

October 16, 2023

Zoom Virtual Meeting at 7pm

PAC Meeting Agenda October 2023
Meeting ID: 922 427 6195

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Approval of June minutes
  4. Student Reports
    1. Student Government
    2. DSAC
    3. Grad Council / Dry grad
  5. Principal’s report: Andy Chin
  6. Elections for officers and committees:
    1. Vice Chair
    2. Secretary
    3. French immersion
    4. DPAC representatives
    5. Dry grad parent representatives
    6. Treasurer’s report: Doug Brown and Jane Zhang
    7. Report from Chair: Lisa Young
    8. New Business
    9. Open Discussion / Questions
      1. Vice Principals Meena Mangat and Allen Tsang will be in attendance