Social Studies


Charmaine Jansen

(Dept. Head)
  • Social Studies 9
  • Social Studies 10
Sandra Da Silva
  • CT. Indigenous St. 12
  • Philosophy 12
  • Law Studies 12
  • AP Psychology

Eugene Fung


  • Social Studies 8
  • Social Studies 10
  • World History 12
Adrien Li
  • Social Studies 9
Jennifer J Taylor
  • Psychology 11/12
Jack Tran
  • Social Justice 12
  • Social Studies 8
Addy Treleaven
  • Social Justice 12


  • Social Studies 8, 9, 10
  • Social Studies Exploration 11
  • Philosophy 12
  • Psychology 11/12
  • History 12
  • AP Psychology 12
  • Law 12
  • Human Geography/AP Human Geography

Social Studies 8

Within the time period 750-1750 CE, students will explore these big ideas including how: cause and conflict can stimulate long term change; human and environmental factors shape changes in population and living standards; expansion and exploration had varying consequences for different groups; and changing ideas about the world created tension between people wanting to adopt new ideas and those wanting to preserve established traditions.

Social Studies 9

Within the time period 1750-1919, students will explore the following: How emerging ideas and ideologies profoundly influence societies and events; collective identity is constructed and can change over time; the physical environment influences the nature of political, social and economic change; disparities in power alter the balance of relationships between individuals and society.

Socials 10

Within the time period 1918- present day, students will explore the following big ideas including how: Global and regional conflicts have been a powerful force in shaping our contemporary world; the development of political institutions is influenced by economic, social, ideological, and geographic factors; worldviews lead to different perspectives and ideas about developments in Canadian society; historical and contemporary injustices challenge the narrative and identity of Canada as an inclusive, multicultural society.

Social Studies Department Brochure

The Social Studies Department at Cariboo Hill Secondary is a great place to learn. We are a collaborative group of professionals that pride ourselves in making Social Studies curriculum engaging and challenging for our students. It is one of our primary goals to help students develop critical thinking skills by using the inquiry process. We encourage asking questions, gathering, interpreting and analyzing ideas with the end goal of communicating those findings.

In response to the proposed changes outlined by the Ministry of Education, we are actively incorporating the big ideas and learning standards in both the curricular and core competencies.

A variety of senior courses are offered that satisfy the diverse interests of all our students in the Humanities. The following academic elective courses can be taken in grade 10, 11 or 12.

  • Psychology 11/12
  • AP Psychology 12
  • Philosophy 12
  • Law Studies12
  • 20th Century History 12
  • First Nations 12
  • Social Justice 12
  • Social Studies (Explorations) 
  • Human Geography


Grade 12 elective subject awards to be announced at the Grade 12 School Leaving Ceremonies