School News

Cariboo Hill Secondary – Virtual Open House – Video and Information Links

If you missed our Virtual Open House and Zoom sessions, we still have the pre-recorded link below and department videos/pages. 

If you have more questions, feel free to contact the school or email any of the administrators/counsellors or teachers.  

Pre-Recorded Link – CLICK HERE

Please click on the below links to view informational videos and department pages.

Department Information For Course Selection
Advanced Placement / Scholarships
Applied Design, Skills & Technology
Career Education
Learning Support Services
Modern Languages & French Immersion
Physical & Health Education 
Social Studies 
Student Services
Visual & Performing Arts

Career Education Promotional Videos
Auto Service Technician
DigiPen Game Development
Microsoft Office Specialist 
Palo Alto Cybersecurity Program

Sport Academies 
Lacrosse Academy
Volleyball Academy 

Burnaby Online

Burnaby District Career Education Webpage 
Career Education District Industry Training Programs