News Archive, School News

Grade 12 School Leaving Ceremony, Grad Dinner/Dance and Dry Grad information

April 11, 2022
To the Parent/Guardian(s) of Grade 12 students:
We are fast approaching the events that mark the end of secondary school and the beginning of a new life for our graduates.  This year we are sponsoring the traditional Dinner/Dance and School Leaving Ceremony.  The Dry Grad Parent Committee will be sponsoring an “after grad celebration.”
    The School Leaving Ceremony is a significant event for our students.  On this evening, certificates, scholarships, bursaries and other awards are distributed to Grade 12 students.  This is an important ritual for staff and families to celebrate the achievements of the Grade 12 graduating class, to show appreciation, and celebrate our students.Each grade 12 student will receive two complimentary invitations to the School Leaving Ceremony for family members.  Distribution of gown, cap & tassel, & stole and two complimentary tickets will be on Thursday, May 19th at lunch and after school in Room 101.Additional tickets will cost $5.00 and may be purchased from the school office from May 24th – May 27th.

        School Leaving Ceremony
        Saturday, May 28, 2022
        Simon Fraser University – Convocation Mall
        8888 University Dr, Burnaby
        Parking – NORTH LOT) – map to come later
        *GRADS MUST ARRIVE AT 5:45 p.m.
        Time:  Ceremonies start at 7:00 p.m. sharp!

    There will be a School Leaving Ceremony Rehearsal for all Grads – Friday, May 27th at 2:00 pm. Attendance is important for all grade 12 students participating in the School Leaving Ceremony.

    The Dinner/Dance takes place on Friday, June 17th at the Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront.  Parents are invited to attend after dinner from 8:00 – 8:45 p.m.  This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to have the first dance with their sons and daughters.  This is a very special part of the evening and we hope that you will be able to join us. The Dinner/Dance is an exciting event.  Students are dressed in formal clothes and look fabulous!The details are as follows:
    Friday, June 17, 2022
    Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront
    1133 W Hastings St, Vancouver

    6:00 Graduates Arrive
    6:15 Group photo in main lobby
    7:00 Dinner (Grads only)
    8:00 Parents arrive
    First Dance – Parents/Guardians and Grads
    8:45 Parents leave
    11:30 Dance ends — Approved guests of Dry Grad 2022 report to the main entrance of the Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront at 11:15 p.m. (no earlier).
    SHUTTLE SERVICE to Dry Grad. This is a school-shpported event and school rules apply
  3. DRY GRAD 2022 – $45.00
    This year, the Dry Grad Parent Committee is hosting a special “after grad” celebration called Dry Grad 2022 at Science World.  This event gives students the opportunity to socialize at a alcohol/drug-free event. Please note, if your son/daughter is interested in inviting one guest to the Dry Grad event, the student must be approved by Mr. Tsang, Vice-Principal!  Applications are available.  The deadline for completed applications to be returned to the office is Friday, May 27, 2022.  The ticket cost for approved guests is $65.00 and must be paid upon approval.  Approved guests must report to the main entrance of the Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront at 11:15 p.m. (no earlier).
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Grade 12 School Leaving events.  We are working with the Grade 12’s, the staff and the Dry Grad Parent Committee to make both evenings and all three events memorable ones.  
Please contact Mr. Allen Tsang, Vice-Principal at 604-296-6890 if you have questions or concerns.  
Yours truly,
Mr. Allen Tsang, Vice-Principal