School News

Meet the Teacher Night – Format Change



To Parent(s) & Guardian(s),

 Re: Meet the Teacher Night – September 23rd, 2021 – Format Change

 To our Cariboo community, we would like to inform you that we will be changing the format to the in person “Meet the Teacher” night on September 23rd, 2021.   

Our teachers and staff would still like to connect with you and your family.  Therefore, this year, we will be doing our “Meet the Teacher” event a little differently.  All departments at Cariboo, will create a “Meet the Teacher” email which will introduce themselves, the classes that they are teaching, an email contact, some may have a link to their class webpage and any other means of communication for you and the teacher. 

Each department is currently working hard on how they will deliver this email to you.  As a school, each teacher will email you their “Meet the Teacher” email by Thursday, September 23rd. 2021. 

We hope and look forward to doing this event in person next year. 

Stay safe.

Cariboo Administrative Team

Andy Chin, Principal, Heather Watson, Vice-Principal, Allen Tsang, Vice-Principal